Missouri Office of Refugee Administration
A Missouri that values and champions refugees
About Us
MO-ORA is responsible for components of refugee resettlement programs, including youth mentoring, refugee school impact, and more. We’re a private non-profit arm of International Institute of St. Louis.
Our Mission & Vision
Promoting the well-being and inclusion of refugees by resourcing and coordinating resettlement programs across the state. Our vision is a Missouri that values and champions refugees.
Our Role
MO-ORA subcontracts or partners with local refugee resettlement programs throughout the state to ensure access to resources needed to help populations serviced by ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement) rebuild their lives.
Each quarter we send out a newsletter with refugee news and policy updates, data about refugee arrivals, opportunities to get involved, and stories from resettlement agencies and immigrant service providers across Missouri. Sign up today to stay in the loop and learn more!
Sign up for our newsletter!
Who We Serve
Immigrants, asylees, parolees, trafficking victims, and more.
We work to help support new arrivals with tools and critical resources to rebuild their lives, to ease their transition to living in the U.S., and support them in becoming productive members of their new communities.
Programs to
Support Refugees
We have a variety of programs that support refugees in different ways and work with several agencies across the state that help make it all happen.
By the Numbers
A visual representation of the nationalities, languages, ages, etc. of refugees arriving in Missouri.
Stay in Touch
Check out our recent newsletters to catch up and learn more about events, volunteer opportunities, refugee news, and job openings!