MO-ORA Partner Directory

Interact with the map to learn more about our partnerships and to find support services near you!

Local Resettlement Agencies

Local Resettlement Agencies have a cooperative agreement with the Department of State to provide support services to refugee clients for the first 90 days after they arrive.

LRAs also receive funding from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) through MO-ORA to provide contracted services and programs directly to refugees in their community for up to 5 years after their arrival.  

School Districts

Through our Refugee School Impact program, school districts can create services to focus on strengthening academic performance and aiding in the social adjustment of newly arriving refugee youth.

Program funding can be utilized for specialized services, initiatives that support integration into the school system, and culturally and linguistically appropriate materials.

Afghan Support Program Partners

With the passage of the Afghanistan Supplemental Appropriations Act, additional federal funding was made available for programs targeted toward Afghan individuals who arrived in the wake of Operation Allies Welcome.

As a result, other immigrant service providers have subcontracted with MO-ORA to create initiatives, provide support services, and welcome new families to their communities.

Other Resettlement Network Partners

The resettlement ecosystem is large, and we have the privilege of collaborating with a variety of organizations.

Some of our partnerships extend beyond the state, further diversifying our efforts and allowing us to establish long-lasting connections.