Della Lamb is having a Baby Shower Donation Drive!
In a few short months, 1 couple will welcome their first child, 6 will add another to their clan, and 3 more babies are expected this fall. These brave women came to the US with few items, so even seasoned mothers don’t have what they need to welcome a baby to their home.
So they will be hosting a drive-thru donation event to shower these new neighbors with love this Valentine’s Day! Stop by Della Lamb on February 14 from 2-5 p.m. to drop off baby essentials.
Shop their baby registry here!
Unable to make it on V-Day? Please bring new or gently used items to Della Lamb at your leisure Monday-Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. To ensure all expecting families receive equal care, please only donate items included on the baby registry.
If you’d like to mail items directly to Della Lamb, please mail to:
“Della Lamb Babies”
500 Woodland Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64106