Switchboard recently concluded a webinar series on Cultural and Practical Considerations for Working with Afghan Clients, during which participants asked many thoughtful questions. To further extend the conversation, Switchboard is offering an upcoming panel discussion open to all refugee service providers, including those who work at state agencies, resettlement agencies and affiliates, or other organizations.
What will this session cover?
This webinar session will address additional questions service providers may have when working with Afghan clients. You do not need to have participated in the recent webinar series to join this Q&A session, but you have the option to view the recordings in Switchboard’s Resource Library.
Is this webinar session for me?
This 60-minute webinar session is designed to expand on topics covered during the webinar series Cultural and Practical Considerations for Working with Afghan Clients. This session will help you increase your knowledge and awareness of Afghan culture while exploring shared experiences and challenges. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of a panel composed of qualified experts on this topic.