Emergency Preparedness
Relief and Recovery on the Frontlines of Disaster – Partnership for New Americans: This toolkit shares the experiences and approaches of NPNA members and partners responding to disasters. We hope it will support immigrant and refugee-led organizations thinking about how to strategically jump into action after a disaster, support their communities, and advocate for policies and resources to keep them safe from the climate crisis.
This booklet from ORR covers natural disaster preparation that has been translated into the following languages: Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, Chinese, Farsi, French, Karenni (Kayah), Kinyarwanda, Nepali, Sgaw Karen, Somali, Swahili, Tibetan and Tigrinya.
It introduces refugees to the types of disasters that occur in the United States, as well as what to do during them and how to be prepared.
View the English version on the website, and find links to the translated, print-ready versions in the languages listed above.
Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management
FEMA Updated Shelter Locator Texting Feature: Having the right information at the right time is often key to surviving a disaster. FEMA’s texting feature allows the public to access shelter information when they need it most. Users can text “shelter” and their ZIP code to 43362 to get a list of nearby shelter locations. This effort is made possible through collaboration with the American Red Cross.
E-learning: Safety Planning in Resettlement, Asylum and Integration Settings: This free course developed by IRC focuses on the foundational skills of working with clients to develop safety plans. You will learn what safety planning is, what foundational skills you need to create safety plans, and how to use safety plans in a variety of situations with your clients.
Establishing and Maintaining Inclusive Emergency Management with Immigrant and Refugee Populations Checklist – Created in partnership with the Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management, this checklist specifies five specific areas that will help organizations develop more inclusive preparedness and practices in response to an emergency. It was designed to help strengthen existing emergency preparedness plans by ensuring immigrants and refugees are part of any emergency response.