Legal Resources

Legal Support for Afghan Newcomers in the Coming Year: This blog post summarizes some of the major legal needs of the Afghan newcomer community and shares useful services and resources on this topic.   

Welcome.US will be tracking legal needs

Human Rights First is helping to identify pro-bono attorneys

Welcome Legal Alliance is taking requests for legal assistance

Project Afghan Legal Assistance (PALA) will register Afghans seeking legal assistance

We the Action is compiling lists of attorneys looking to volunteer

American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) has native language translations of key immigration forms and instructions

Catholic Legal Immigration Network

Immigration Advocates Network lists organizations in MO providing legal assistance

ImportaMi is a direct messaging service providing legal services and resources to unaccompanied children in the U.S. They are fielding questions from Afghan minors, so feel free to direct sites and clients to use their services.

Legal Services of Eastern Missouri is aiding those facing eviction and are unable to get an attorney to represent them. Resources on this website can help self-represented persons defend themselves, and it can produce a document which the tenant can file with the court where their eviction is pending. Additionally, the website has tons of helpful information about evictions. 

USRAP Practice Guide for Legal Practitioners: From the International Refugee Assistance Project, the USRAP Practice Guide is a new resource with legal background, practice tips, templates, and other tools to help legal practitioners represent a refugee applicant in the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). The practice guide covers ways to access USRAP, how USRAP processing works, and the law applied in USRAP adjudications. For more general legal information about the USRAP process in multiple languages, or to request help from IRAP, you can use IRAP’s Legal Information website


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