Remote Placement: A New Resettlement Model 

By Marisa Tesoro

New resettlement models are increasingly being used to welcome more refugees to the U.S.  

In addition to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, there are new resettlement models at work, including Remote Placement, Virtual Placement and private sponsorship through the Welcome Corps among others. These models increase the channels available to resettle refugees rather than relying solely on local refugee resettlement agencies.  

The first in a series of blogs, we’re breaking down these alternative pathways to help navigate the differences.  

What’s New: Remote Placement 

St. Louis recently welcomed a new organization to the resettlement network: Welcome Neighbor STL.

They have been providing services and fostering community for newcomers since 2016 after being inspired to help newly arrived Syrian refugees. Since then, their impact and reach have grown. They have even become a subcontractor through MO-ORA in the wake of Operation Allies Welcome, providing essential support services to Afghan evacuees.  

Now, Welcome Neighbor will resettle refugees through the International Rescue Committee’s Remote Placement Community Partner Program

The role of remote placement community partners, according to IRC:  

As a Community Partner, you will take on the responsibility of fulfilling the requirements of the Reception and Placement (R&P) program and agree to take the lead in supporting these new arrivals in your community. Families will be assigned to your organization by IRC headquarters in collaboration with you as the community partner. While the IRC will provide technical assistance and training, your group will be coordinating and problem solving on the ground to provide for the unique needs of each arriving case. This partnership will exist for the duration of the R&P program, which is 90 days. 

IRC and Welcome Neighbor will work together to determine who will be resettled in the region as they will be focusing on placing individuals in the same location as their U.S. Tie or near Welcome Neighbor. They will also manage R&P per capita funds and secure safe and affordable housing for newcomers, as well as handle case management if a U.S. Tie is not in the picture.  

Finally, Welcome Neighbor will also work with each newly arrived refugee to ensure they get connected to any and all benefits they might be eligible for from federal, state, and local providers. This will mean collaborating with local resettlement agencies and other immigrant service providers to ensure the needs of each refugee are met.  

How is it different from U.S. Refugee Admissions Program?  

First, any refugee being resettled in the U.S. has gone through several rounds of health and security screenings before being approved to travel. That does not change no matter the model.  

In traditional refugee resettlement, a local resettlement agency who is affiliated with one of the 10 national resettlement agencies is responsible for supporting refugees upon arrival through the Reception and Placement Program

The role of Remote Placement Community Partners (RPCPs) is to provide R&P services for refugees who are placed into remote areas--anywhere outside of a 100-mile radius from the nearest resettlement agency office. 


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